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Showing posts from August, 2012

The Healing Process

"Sometimes people do you wrong. But its not an attack on you. Its a flaw in their character." - Pastor Meadows I just want to start off by saying this is reason #723 that The Shaking is one of my favorite events at Embassy International Worship Center. This great man of God always drops a few gems for us to take home and place inside our hearts. For me personally this is one of those gems. The more I think about it mediate on it and pray over it I feel more free. I feel like burdens are being lifted and situations are loosening their grip on not just my heart but my mind. This word came to shift everything I thought I knew about why people hurt me. You know the usually things we think like because they really dont love us or because they were never the person we thought they were. But what if they are that person. What if God is just using you because He knows the situation wont break you? What if He has allowed the situation to happen to show you who He really is? What i...

Thoughts on Sex

Some how sex has shifted from a benefit of marriage to a requirement of infatuation. It's no longer cool to save yourself for marriage. But rather save yourself for when it feels right. So women lay down expecting great sex only to get up wishing they were more patient. We want the anointing to please partners without the commitment of a lifetime. We test drive a perfect plan made by a perfect God. We mock holiness for the gems of this world. Hey, it's okay if you have sex with him cause if it's not good you're still a virgin. It's like we have redemptive power according to how we feel. Virginity sold to the highest bidder! We put price tags on moments we can't get back. Sell temples we don't even own. If nobody owns you then you should be dead according to the law. The biggest lie I use to believe was sex is painful. Most people have no idea what sex really is 1. Because people don't read the Bible. And 2. Because some how opinions became facts and fa...