"I heard a word saying girl you'll be fine. I heard a word that would ease my troubled mind" -Heard A Word : Michelle Williams
Whole bunch going on in my head. So much noise I cant really hear you. You know the last time my mind was crystal clear I was doing stuff I don't do no more. Everything just got super complicated out of no where. Or maybe I just started doing stuff because other people thought it was important. Either way it goes im not sure if im moving forward or at a stand still. That's so dangerous. I know you can and will protect my mind. And I can honestly say I need that right now. I feel sufocated just sitting here unsure about everything. Well not everything. Im sure about you and one other thing. Its just funny how when I became sure he wasnt no more. Then it turned into oh maybe I should do this first and that first. And its making me think I should have kept it moving. Maybe I meditate on it way too much. Its super frustrating for me to make a change for the best and then find out in reality Im by myself. Its hard to let your gaurd down when the people you let in run through it and go ham. Then I havent even talked to you or nobody else about none of this. My expectation seem to be super high. I feel like i reliving my past in certain areas. Everything just seem so familar. Thats why im so ready to leave. I have to be able to rely nobody else but Jesus at some point. And the people closet to me dont like it. Everything I should be doing by myself they are so against for some odd reason. Im a very good child. I know my place. I try my best to stay in it. But im ready to own or rent something. I know you created me to be something wonderful. Something the world will never see unless I become it. Before I came here I had a purpose. Living out my past is pretty boring you know. I write it out to everybody else. But I never thought I would find myself writing to you.
Whole bunch going on in my head. So much noise I cant really hear you. You know the last time my mind was crystal clear I was doing stuff I don't do no more. Everything just got super complicated out of no where. Or maybe I just started doing stuff because other people thought it was important. Either way it goes im not sure if im moving forward or at a stand still. That's so dangerous. I know you can and will protect my mind. And I can honestly say I need that right now. I feel sufocated just sitting here unsure about everything. Well not everything. Im sure about you and one other thing. Its just funny how when I became sure he wasnt no more. Then it turned into oh maybe I should do this first and that first. And its making me think I should have kept it moving. Maybe I meditate on it way too much. Its super frustrating for me to make a change for the best and then find out in reality Im by myself. Its hard to let your gaurd down when the people you let in run through it and go ham. Then I havent even talked to you or nobody else about none of this. My expectation seem to be super high. I feel like i reliving my past in certain areas. Everything just seem so familar. Thats why im so ready to leave. I have to be able to rely nobody else but Jesus at some point. And the people closet to me dont like it. Everything I should be doing by myself they are so against for some odd reason. Im a very good child. I know my place. I try my best to stay in it. But im ready to own or rent something. I know you created me to be something wonderful. Something the world will never see unless I become it. Before I came here I had a purpose. Living out my past is pretty boring you know. I write it out to everybody else. But I never thought I would find myself writing to you.