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Next Stop: Liberty

So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. - John 8:36

"It is the hurt that breaks me it’s the pain that pulls me to my knees and the tears they’ve changed me til what I couldn’t see Becomes so clear to me This is the way The way that you love me" - Anthony Evans

Where do I begin? Its been a long 2 months. I went through every emotion there is. I cried more than I slept and prayed more than I breathed. I was isolated from every single comfort zone I faithfully rested my head upon. All I had was a mouth to pray and hands to praise. It was just me and God. And though I know He would never leave nor forsake me I had never felt so alone. I felt abandoned and cut off. The dreams I had grown so accustomed to were no where to be found. The very gift through which all my answered prayer came was out of service. I felt like my prayer was in vain. I started to focus my mind on other things. I begin to rely on people back home to tell me what God was saying. I patiently waited for mail that never came and phone calls that went straight to voicemail. Everything I thought I knew rapidly changed. I lost sleep cause I was too busy crying. I prayed so much I thought God had stopped listening. Yet through it all He was so very faithful to me. He stood by me and walked with me. He carried me to the finish line over and over again. I gave up on myself more times than I can count yet His grace and mercy allowed me to finish. It took more than I had to keep my head held high and walk like the daughter of the one true King.

Ive come along way since my 8 week journey. I've grown into the woman I've prayed to meet for so long. It's a blessing to see where I came from and stand where I am now. I'm guilty of looking back but I won't go back. For the first and probably last time in my life isolation matured and prepared for the next season of my life. I'm more than grateful.

So to the people who wrote, me prayed for me, read my letters, thought about me, and truly love me know that your support meant and means more than words can express. You poured kind words, encouragement, and life into me when I needed it the most. And trust me when I say I needed where I was. You helped me grow up, move on, let go, and let God. I pray that I will have the opportunity to bless you greater than you blessed me.

No more shackels no more chains no more bondage I AM FREE :) <3


Anonymous said…
I love you so much Sis!!! Know that I am so very proud of you and I missed you so much in your absence. Enjoyed this post!!!
Mrbc said…
Beautiful testimony Sweetberry Shy!!! I understand what you are saying and where you are coming from. Basic Combat Training is no joke, It forces you to grow up into the Man/Woman God intended you to be. "Until you have been where I have been and done what I have done, you know not who I am or what I've become"!!!

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