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Showing posts from September, 2011

Cassette Tapes

"Could it be that the same people who hurt you won't get delivered until you do?" - by @preachaboy03 taken from Ms. Rhachelle Nicol' As I strolled down my fb stream I came across this status message. I read it just like I read anything else and moved on about my day. Or so I thought. For some strange reason it stuck with me. It was as if God was using this simple question to calm my built up frustration and to answer my silent prayers. There is so much more to writing than pencil and paper. Its not a convenient gift. I can't turn it off and on like a light switch. I don't always have pen and paper. Sometimes all I have is a cell phone and a memo app. Sometimes i have an iPod and email. Then there are those rare times where I have nothing but a souled out mind. I sit patiently waiting for God to fill my mind up praying I can remember what He said so I can pour it out on paper when I get home. But some how it never goes that way. I forget every time. Everything ...