Psalm 77 1-2 & 7-14
I cried out to God for help;
I cried out to God to hear
me. When I was in distress,
I sought the Lord; at night
I stretched out untiring hands
and my soul refused to be
"Will the Lord reject
me forever? Will he never show
me His favor again? Has his
unfailing love vanished forever?
Has his promise failed for all
time? Has God forgotten to be
merciful? Has he in anger
withheld his compassion?" Selah.
Then I thought, "To this I will
appeal: the years of the right
hand of the Most High." I will
remember the deeds of the Lord;
yes, I will remember your miracles
of long ago. I will meditate on all
your works and consider all your
mighty deeds. Your ways, O God,
are holy. What god is so great
as our God? You are the God who
performs miracles; you display
your power among the peoples.
Ahhh the beautiful psalms. They are breaths of fresh air to a weary soul. They are reminders to me that its okay to show emotion. Its okay to admit to God that your sad angry or confused. Sometimes I get so caught up in trying to be thankful and carrying a spirit of gratitude, I bottle up how I really feel. I neglect him of his right to know how his daughter is doing. His right to know that I need him right now more than ever. I hold myself captive in an effort to show God I appreciate him. But in reality what I'm saying is I don't trust him. God cares about all of me. There is no detail of my life that He will ignore. In this I know he not only cares about my smile but he cares about the absence of it too. He desires to hear that I'm angry and I'm upset just as much as He desires to hear about my joy and happiness. He wants to know when I'm hanging on to my last so He can give me His all. He knows my heart and He seeks to fulfill the desires of when I walk in His will and His way.
In many ways God's love is like a door. And as cliche as this may sound it is so true. You cannot jump over it, crawl under it, or run around it. You must simply walk through it. I'm standing behind this door right now. Ive looked up down and around hoping its another way to get to what is on the other side. Ive placed so many chains and limits on my love, that I need a key for the lock just to get inside. Its impossible to literally place God inside of a box. But if we put limits on God we will only experience that which we put no limits on. I need so much more than I have right now.
So I stand at the door debating on what I have to give up to get inside. This is my key to the lock. My sacrifice will allow me to go inside and capture all that is mine. God is waiting for a simple invitation. I'm amazed at the gentlemen like qualities of a mighty King. He who is creator of all things and lord above all waits for permission from me to search through all of me. I was bought at the price of the Holy Lamb. He owns all that I am and still He waits to be invited. There is no God like my God. The one who sits high and looks low.
Who the King sets free is free indeed. Hello freedom.
In His presence there is fullness of joy. Nice to meet you Jesus. (:
I cried out to God for help;
I cried out to God to hear
me. When I was in distress,
I sought the Lord; at night
I stretched out untiring hands
and my soul refused to be
"Will the Lord reject
me forever? Will he never show
me His favor again? Has his
unfailing love vanished forever?
Has his promise failed for all
time? Has God forgotten to be
merciful? Has he in anger
withheld his compassion?" Selah.
Then I thought, "To this I will
appeal: the years of the right
hand of the Most High." I will
remember the deeds of the Lord;
yes, I will remember your miracles
of long ago. I will meditate on all
your works and consider all your
mighty deeds. Your ways, O God,
are holy. What god is so great
as our God? You are the God who
performs miracles; you display
your power among the peoples.
Ahhh the beautiful psalms. They are breaths of fresh air to a weary soul. They are reminders to me that its okay to show emotion. Its okay to admit to God that your sad angry or confused. Sometimes I get so caught up in trying to be thankful and carrying a spirit of gratitude, I bottle up how I really feel. I neglect him of his right to know how his daughter is doing. His right to know that I need him right now more than ever. I hold myself captive in an effort to show God I appreciate him. But in reality what I'm saying is I don't trust him. God cares about all of me. There is no detail of my life that He will ignore. In this I know he not only cares about my smile but he cares about the absence of it too. He desires to hear that I'm angry and I'm upset just as much as He desires to hear about my joy and happiness. He wants to know when I'm hanging on to my last so He can give me His all. He knows my heart and He seeks to fulfill the desires of when I walk in His will and His way.
In many ways God's love is like a door. And as cliche as this may sound it is so true. You cannot jump over it, crawl under it, or run around it. You must simply walk through it. I'm standing behind this door right now. Ive looked up down and around hoping its another way to get to what is on the other side. Ive placed so many chains and limits on my love, that I need a key for the lock just to get inside. Its impossible to literally place God inside of a box. But if we put limits on God we will only experience that which we put no limits on. I need so much more than I have right now.
So I stand at the door debating on what I have to give up to get inside. This is my key to the lock. My sacrifice will allow me to go inside and capture all that is mine. God is waiting for a simple invitation. I'm amazed at the gentlemen like qualities of a mighty King. He who is creator of all things and lord above all waits for permission from me to search through all of me. I was bought at the price of the Holy Lamb. He owns all that I am and still He waits to be invited. There is no God like my God. The one who sits high and looks low.
Who the King sets free is free indeed. Hello freedom.
In His presence there is fullness of joy. Nice to meet you Jesus. (: