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"There is a king in me. Goliath's to defeat. Visions to decree. Its my destiny. Don't count me out." - Marvin Sapp

I see a lot of things as I walk around my temporary home. I've been blessed to have an amazing amount of influence and favor where God places my feet. I have been honored to see stories and see girls grow into strong women. I have also seen the opposite. Young ladies pouring out their all to similar faces that changed names. They wear the breastplate of Jezebel like rubies taking pride in the forbidden fruits that make nations fall. Passing their temples along like hand me down clothes from one generation to the next. Ignorant of the King who died to live inside of them and reign forever. Scared to place their hearts in His hands because the cliches taught in church never said anything about hurt pain or tears.

Heartbreak Hotel and Cold Nights Inn were never meant to be home. But we all know a handful of chicks who stay their paying the monthly special rate making the best of a broken home. Painting bright colors in an attempt to feel happiness. Trading eternal treasure for temporary emotions.

All of this woke me up one night. It was the same time as usual but this time God dropped His heart on me. He let me feel for a couple minutes what He feels daily. the burden He carries around invaded my heart and I laid down not knowing where to start my prayer. So I just lost my strength and took up this cross. Its an honor to share in all God has from His strength to His pain.

"For we know in part and we prophesy in part ( 1 Corinthians 13:9 NIV) but when what is perfect comes then what is partial will disappear." (1 Corinthians 13:10 Good News Translation).

I was birthed into a spiritual family. The supernatural has shaped me in every area of my life. My faith has seen many ups and downs. Sometimes it hid behind doubt and fear. Other times is shined like a lamp upon a hill. The hand of God has been faithful in my life. From comfort to discipline protection is my birth right.

He chose to impregnate me with pain that I might give birth to a generation of virtuous women. Labor is a long process but delivery changes our perception. I'm thankful for the women of God around me that walk in excellence. I pray that as i develop into the woman I once saw in my father's eyes, I bring great honor to your names and legacies.


Anonymous said…
I know that feeling oh so well. I have laid awake many of nights. Trying to figure out how I was going to accomplish the task he had placed before me and be able to birth it. But God is faithful, he will give you the strength to carry the load.

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