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Psalm 51

ahh 2018 :) Hi. I welcome you with open arms. My heart is open and ready for the best year. I believe that the word of the Lord is sure. There is a reward for faithfulness. I rewrote this Psalm for those who are struggling to stay consistent like me. Those who are frustrated with the responsibility of great gifts. Even those who know greatness is inside of them, but they are too afraid to birth it out. I am praying for you. Don't give up!

P.S. I'm back! Its been 2 years and I am finally back. I have a lot of growth, mistakes, tears, and joy to share. If you are here reading this, thanks for keeping me accountable to the gift inside of me. I have wonderful news coming really soon. But until then, enjoy!

Psalm 51*

Have mercy on me Lord,
according to your faithful character,
according to the multitude of love
expressed on the cross.

Wash me in your word,
clean me from my wrongs.

For I confess my sins and I
lay my wrongs on the altar.

Against you alone have I wronged,
and done evil in your sight. You
would be justified in sentencing

Behold, I was created in iniquity;
and in sin I was conceived.

Yet you desire truth from the depths
of my soul and in my hidden parts
you grace me with wisdom.

Purify me with truth and I shall be
free. Wash me and I shall be

Make me to hear peace and joy;
that even my broken places
shall rejoice.

Hide my face from my sins, and
blot out all my iniquities.

Create in me a clean heart, O God;
and renew a right spirit within me.

Refuse me not from your presence.
Let me keep my promised Holy

Restore unto me the joy of
salvation; uphold me with
a free spirit.

Then will I teach unbelievers
your ways and guide them to
your Marvelous Kingdom.

Deliver me from small thinking,
oh God. Upgrade my mind.

Open up my lips and I will declare
that Jesus is Lord.

For my sacrifice no longer makes us even.
You no longer take joy in my offering.

The sacrifices of God are a broken
spirit: a broken and remorseful heart,
You will not despise.

Do good in your good pleasure unto
Zion: build up the walls of

Then You will be pleased with
the sacrifices of righteousness, with
burnt offering and whole burnt
offering: then I will make sacrifices
upon my altar.

*While some of the original text was kept, most of it was modified.
This was not created nor was it intended to replace the word of God*


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