This is a totally different vibe from what my normal blog is. But I think it needs to be said. I am not a relationship coach, therapist, married (yet *wink*) or anything else. I am simple your sister in Christ who understands what you feel, and can offer you biblically sound advice to help you manage this season of life. I have been blessed to have many different conversations with both sexes about love and relationships. The way we each view these two things amazes me. It is also proof that men are from Mars and women are from Venus. But the God in all of this is that we each have a half. 1 Corinthians 13:9 says "For we know in part and we prophesy in part". We can only speak the part we know and we don't know it all. What a blessing that is. When curiosity is properly managed, it can open the mind to endless possibilities and mature faith. No matter where you land on the spectrum of singleness, don't be afraid to ask questions. Which brings me to my fir...
First of all Happy Friday!! I know it probably won't be Friday when you read this, but its Friday and I am writing it. I hope that the joy of the Lord shifts from being your strength to being your smile. I don't know about you, but I am over asking for joy just to stay strong, I want the joy you can't explain. Lord I pray that the reader of this blog is smacked with an impartation of joy that will blow their minds and make their current situation the best laugh they ever had in Jesus name. Here we go. If I could sum up my 2017 in a couple of words, I would say sorrow traded for joy. It wasn't that it was a bad year as a whole. I learned a lot and I had a lot of rewarding moments. I graduated with my Masters degree, I got ordained at my church again, and I got engaged. All of that happened and I was grateful for every second. I cried when I got my degree because it was the first major step I took to chasing my God given dreams. I was in Buffalo, NY by myself struttin...